Samsung Electronics on March 24 launched a new smartphone Samsung Galaxy I6500U, the handset has Android2.1 version of the OS, and to support China Unicom's WCDMA network, is a very good all The 3G mobile phone. Samsung I6500U total of two colors black and white versions, to suit users of different age and sex, the recent exposure of the network a group of white Samsung I6500U the real machine diagram, quite fashionable.
Samsung AMOLED I6500U will be equipped with 3.2 inches screen resolution of mainstream HVGA (320 × 480 pixels). It uses a 800MHz processor, speed of flow. In addition, it built-in 3.2 million pixel camera, GPS, and supports electronic compass, gravity sensing and other functions. It is worth mentioning that Samsung I6500U support FM radio, which is rarely seen in the Android phones.
Samsung I6500U the latest Android 2.1 operating system, pre-function even better than the previous version, the application procedures and more potential. In support of WCDMA and HSDPA high-speed network at the same time, I6500U also support WAPI and WiFi wireless LAN WLAN standard, which makes it excellent Internet connectivity.