The rumor says Samsung's new Super AMOLED phone will be marked as the I8330 H2 and will be launched in time of the FIFA World Cup in South Africa. Specs wise, we’re talking about quite a capable phone which specs include a large touchscreen, 1GHz CPU (Snapdragon?), 8-megapixel camera that can take HD video, GPS, WiFi and HSPA connectivity and Bluetooth.
It is equipped with an 8-megapixel camera that promises to capture Dcrystal clear photographs and capability to record video in full HD and 1GHz processor. It runs LiMo R3 operating system.
The phone really looks the part, so we can not wait to get our hands on one and have a play. If it's something as good as it looks on paper, this is a fan that could really steal the limelight in 2010.
The availability is expected sometime around the FIFA World Cup, which means the announcement could come pretty soon.